Background checks & Clearances
Background Check Instructions:
Click here for instructions on how to obtain your background checks and clearances. Church employees and volunteers that are responsible for caring for children in a regularly scheduled program, activity or service are required by PA Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) to obtain specific background checks, or “certifications”, and repeat them every 5 years. The required clearances include the following: Child Abuse History Clearance Form (CY-113), Pennsylvania State Police Request for Criminal Record Check Form (SP4-164) and FBI Fingerprint Record Checks. If you have been a resident of PA for 10 or more years, you do not need to get an FBI Fingerprint Record Check; however, you must submit a signed certification statement to the church office (see below). Copies of all volunteer clearances must be submitted to and kept on file within the church office. There is no cost involved for anyone who requests clearances as a volunteer.
Click here for instructions on how to obtain your background checks and clearances. Church employees and volunteers that are responsible for caring for children in a regularly scheduled program, activity or service are required by PA Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) to obtain specific background checks, or “certifications”, and repeat them every 5 years. The required clearances include the following: Child Abuse History Clearance Form (CY-113), Pennsylvania State Police Request for Criminal Record Check Form (SP4-164) and FBI Fingerprint Record Checks. If you have been a resident of PA for 10 or more years, you do not need to get an FBI Fingerprint Record Check; however, you must submit a signed certification statement to the church office (see below). Copies of all volunteer clearances must be submitted to and kept on file within the church office. There is no cost involved for anyone who requests clearances as a volunteer.
10+ PA Resident Form:
Click here for a printable PDF document to certify that you are a 10 Year + PA resident. This form may be used in lieu of the FBI Fingerprint Record Check for qualified volunteers. Sign this form and return it to the Church Office.
Click here for a printable PDF document to certify that you are a 10 Year + PA resident. This form may be used in lieu of the FBI Fingerprint Record Check for qualified volunteers. Sign this form and return it to the Church Office.
BLFMC's Child & Youth Abuse Prevention Program Packet:
Click here for a printable PDF of this document. Read the entire packet, sign and return the last page to the Church Office.
Click here for a printable PDF of this document. Read the entire packet, sign and return the last page to the Church Office.